Spring Beauty Tips: Hands and Nails

Spring is the season of rebirth… of rejuvenation. Don’t forget your hands! Over the winter, your skin may have gotten rough and dry thanks to forced-air heat. It’s time to renew your hands and nails. Want a good idea of someone’s age? Look at their hands. Hands are often a truer judge of age than any other part of the body. You can keep your hands looking healthy and young with these tips: Keep moisturizer handy — all year round. Apply lotion after you wash your hands to help lock in moisture. Pick a hand cream that includes sunscreen. A … Continue reading

Nail Biting–Do You Battle or Cope?

I know for a fact that not every child is a nail biter because of my three kids; one of them has never bitten his nails. This is an incredibly common “bad habit,” however, and one that some parents fight hard to combat. But, can you as a parent actually stop a child from biting his or her nails or is it just something they will need to outgrow? There have been times when I haven’t wondered that nail biting is some sort of natural human/mammal behavior that just hasn’t been bred out of us yet with evolution. I’m sure … Continue reading

Falling Off The Fingernail Bandwagon

Time to confess defeat. I thought I’d triumphed over my lifelong nail biting habit, but I’ve fallen off the nice nails wagon. In one afternoon, I chewed away several months’ worth of nail growing progress and am back to square one. It’s my own fault, really. I’d been doing so well because I’d take the time to shape and paint my nails every few days. When my nails were pretty and colorful, I didn’t bite them. But I stripped off the polish without repainting them, and BOOM. No more nails. I hardly noticed I was doing it, at first. Then … Continue reading

How I Stopped Biting My Nails (a work in progress)

I’ve been a nail biter for longer than I can remember. When I was younger, my grandfather used to try to bribe me to stop — at first, he offered me twenty dollars if I could stop biting my nails for just a month. Before he gave up, the bribe was up to two hundred dollars for just a month of not biting my nails. And still… I couldn’t do it. I’ve tried to stop on many occasions. But nail nibbling is a long-ingrained habit. Just wanting to stop isn’t enough for me. As soon as I stop paying attention, … Continue reading

First Aid: Puncture Wounds

I moved to a new apartment in the middle of January. It’s got new everything, including carpeting. The other night, I found a carpet nail that wasn’t quite nailed all the way down… with the bottom my foot. You know what that means: it’s time to learn about first aid for puncture wounds! Minor puncture wounds generally don’t bleed a whole lot. The big danger with puncture wounds is the risk of infection. Whatever caused the wound may be full of bacteria — especially if the object has been in the dirt, like a nail or tack. Animal bites are … Continue reading

Major Changes in Store for This Year’s People’s Choice Awards

If you haven’t noticed how the ongoing Hollywood writers strike has affected various TV shows then you will definitely be in for a shock when you tune into this year’s People’s Choice Awards. The ceremony, which typically airs live, will be far from it during the January 8th telecast. According to show producers, the only thing that hasn’t changed to accommodate the work stoppage is that Queen Latifah, who previously was announced as host, will still be part of the new format. The show will go on, but not in a way that any of us has ever seen before. … Continue reading

Putting It Into Practice.

The Christian life is life being a learner driver. It’s not enough to master something once. We need to practice and practice it. We can’t sit on our laurels and assume we have mastered something. It’s never ceases to amaze me how God knows exactly where’re we’re at and what we need to learn or re-learn. Yesterday I wrote about attitudes to people and situations. This morning I had a chance to put it all into practice and I have to admit I did not come off as well as I ought. The day started when my puppy woke me … Continue reading

Cuticle Care Tips

Okay, nail biters… I’m mostly back on the wagon. I’m giving that whole “stop biting your nails” thing another try! One problem I have is this: when I stop biting my nails, I tend to attack my cuticles instead. So to be completely honest, I’m only redirecting the chewing behavior, not stopping it. At the moment, I’ve got eight “good” nails, two slightly nibbled nails, and two hands full of sad looking cuticles. Cuticles are dead skin that overlaps the exposed portion of your fingernail — the nail plate. The cuticle makes a seal between your skin and your fingernail … Continue reading

Why Chewing Gum Is Good For You

Bring enough gum for everybody — because chewing gum can be good for you! Chewing a sugar-free gum after meals can help neutralize acids that turn into plaque on your teeth. This reduces your risk of developing cavities! Cinnamon is a natural germ killer. Cinnamon gum can help bust bad breath. Minty gums can help too, but the sweet scent may just cover up the problem, not neutralize the germs in your mouth. Chewing gum can help you lose weight — studies have shown that people who chew gum between meals tend to snack less. Whether the chewing motion keeps … Continue reading

Avoid Scare Tactics

Scare tactics seems to be one of those fallback parenting techniques that just won’t go away. While it may seem like “putting a little fear” into our kids works for the short term and stops immediate behavior, in the long run it causes our children additional anxiety and may influence them to NOT trust us as parents. I am of the opinion that using scare tactics is something that really DOESN’T work as a discipline technique or a way of building a solid parent-child relationship with our kids. My theory is that the world is a scary enough place at … Continue reading